
Oracle SOA Suite 11g, Enable logging for EDN events

By default the logging for the events are turned off. Connect to your DEV_SOAINFRA schema and execute : [sourcecode language="sql"] DECLARE ENABLED NUMBER; BEGIN ENABLED := 1; EDN_ENABLE_LOGGING( ENABLED => ENABLED ); END; [/sourcecode] Trigger a new business event and select the logging in the 'EDN_LOG_MESSAGES_TABLE' (select * from ...

Oracle SOA Suite, Launch Message Flow Trace in Google Chrome

During testing of some of my composite applications i just couldn't get the 'Launch Message Flow Trace' link showing the output (popup it seemed later on). Chrome didn't came up with the a blocking popup so it didn't ring any bells. Google Chrome > Options > Under the Hood > Content Settings > Pop-ups > and add your hostname to the exception list Original...

Oracle SOA Suite 11g, wrong settings after re-installation of SOA domain

During my installation of the 11g SOA Suite, things go bad once in a while and domains need to be created and removed, etc. After last remove and new installation of my domain i got the next error message during startup of the Admin Server : [sourcecode language="java"] javax.transaction.SystemException: weblogic.transaction.loggingresource.LoggingResourceException: java.sql.SQLException: JDBC LLR, table verify failed for table 'WL_LLR_ADMINSERVER', row 'JDBC LLR Domain//Server'...

Oracle SOA Suite 11g Patch Set 2, installation

Once in a while i just clean my how Oracle environment and start from scratch which a clean one. For this new installation i used the next set of installations Oracle Database 11g Release 2, Enterprise Edition (download) Repository Creation Utility ( (download) WebLogic Server (10.3.3) (download Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.3) + Coherence + OEPE - Package Installer) SOA Suite SOA Suite (download SOA Suite ( SOA Suite (patch)...

Oracle SOA Suite 11g and the new Partitions feature

In the old school Oracle SOA Suite we had the functionality to create different domains in the BPEL Console to group our applications. This functionality was gone in the 11g SOA Suite, and because it still was a wanted feature, Oracle reintroduced it as feature in the new Oracle SOA 11g Patchset2. Now it's called 'Partitions'. So let's see how to manage them. Go to the Enterprise Manager (http://localhost:7001/em), Farm_ > SOA > soa-infra (soa_server1). Right mouseclick on...

Oracle SOA Suite 11gR1 Patch Set 2 released and other nice goodies!

A lot of new releases/patches coming from Oracle the last few days. SOA Suite 11g Overview Downloads New features Documentation Other links Oracle JDeveloper 11g ( (Build 5660) What's new in OWSM 11gR1 PS2 ( Oracle BPM11g available! BPMN 2.0 in Oracle BPM Suite: The future of BPM starts now BPM Suite 11gR1 Released WEBLOGIC SERVER RELEASED. IT NOW HAS JSF 2.0 SUPPORT!! Oracle Service Bus 11g ( download Time to fill...

New features in Oracle SOA Suite 11gR1 patchset 2

Clemens published a list of the new features coming up in the patchset 2 of SOA Suite 11gR1. short overview SOA Infra’s Spring C&I implementation (based on weblogic sca for java) becomes full production. Full and complete support for BPEL 2.0 Reintroduction of “BPEL domains”, now to be called "partitions" Enhancements to BPEL’s transactional behavior and audit-trail Oracle Mediator, support for re-sequencing XML / http – get and post support on binding level Support...

Oracle Fusion, trigger events from within bpel

Browsing the samples of Clemence i came by a little feature didn't knew about yet. It was clear to me you could trigger the events from within the mediator. To trigger an event from withing your bpel process, just add the invoke-activity, for interaction type select 'Event' and select the event you want to trigger. So instead of invoking a partnerlink you'll now invoke the event definition. [sourcecode...

Oracle Fusion, BPEL and coordination of master- and detail processes

Because of a little illness Lucas was a bit faster with the publish of his article :) but i decided to still post it on my blog. In the new Fusion 11g, Oracle added a new extension to the bpel language for the coordination of master- and detail processes. With this add on it is possible to relate a master process with his detail processes and give signals to each other when to start and when parts are finished. Let's start with building something We created a new composite application...

Oracle Domain Value Maps and Business Rules runtime edit with SOA Composer

Last week there was a question on the forum how to add values to the domain value maps on runtime. In the Oracle SOA Suite 10g we could maintain those values from the console. In Fusion 11g it's a little bit different. Oracle now supplies us a new tool called SOA Composer (patch set 1). This new tool can be used to maintain both rules and domain value maps at runtime. Create a new composite and add a dvm to it Create a new dvm Select the project, goto File > New > SOA...