Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook has been published!

Good news today from the publisher!
The book of which i’m coauthor of has been published! After months of hard work it’s finally there.

Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook :

I hope you will all like it.

Thanks to the other authors (Guido, Edwin, Jan and Mischa) for all their hard work and for the great few months of working together to establish this great piece of work.
Special thanks go out to Guido for guiding the whole process of making this book. All the hours of hard work and organizing everything, i hope it was worth it!

The book

Something about the book (which i nicely copy/pasted from Guido his blog)

The book contains more than 80 practical recipes to develop service- and message-oriented solutions on the Oracle Service Bus 11g.

This cookbook is full of immediately usable recipes showing how to efficiently develop on the Oracle Service Bus. In addition to its cookbook style, which ensures the solutions are presented in a clear step-by-step manner, the explanations go into great detail, which makes it good learning material for everyone who has experience with the OSB and wants to improve. Most of the recipes are designed in such a way that each recipe is presented as a separate, standalone entity and reading of prior recipes is not required. The finished solution of each recipe is also made available electronically.

The 80+ recipes are organized into the following chapters (the digit behind the title showing the number of recipes in that chapter):

  • Creating a basic OSB service (13)
  • Working efficiently with OSB artifacts in Eclipse OEPE (7)
  • Messaging with JMS transport (9)
  • Using EJB and JEJB transport (5)
  • Using HTTP transport (5)
  • Using File and Mail transports (5)
  • Using JCA adapter to communicate to the database (6)
  • Using SOA Direct transport to communicate with SOA Suite (4)
  • Communication, Flow Control and Message Processing (10)
  • Reliable communication with OSB (5)
  • Handling Message-Level Security requirements (9)
  • Handling Transport-Level Security requirements (4)

Happy reading!


AMIS blog : Review of Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook (Packt Publishing) by Edwin Biemond, Guido Schmutz, Eric Elzinga et. al.
SOA@Oracle SCA, BPEL, BPM & Service Bus blog

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8 Responses to “Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook has been published!”


Very nice. The book help us to develope web service by oracle service bus and oracle other components. I wish to buy it. Good luck Experts!!!



I have bought Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook and started to go through it. I have stared to configure OSB, SOA and WebLogic. All of them of version and 10.3.5 (WebLogic). But somehow I am not able to see oracle service bus project in the eclipse from oepe. I have tried lot of approaches. But still I could not configure it. Any help would be greatful.
I tried to install WebLogic 10.3.4, OSB But I could not get the compatible SOA component.
Request you to help me with the environment convfiguration.

Harsha Narayana.


Have you downloaded all the releases on this page?

wlst/oepe + osb

when you’ve installed weblogic with oepe and after that install the osb component it should install the osb plugin in your eclipse


Hi Eric

Thanks you very much for pointing out to the right URL. I am able to install OSB and be able to see service bus project.

Thanks again.

Harsha Narayana.


That’s good to hear. Good luck!


Hi Eric

I was able to configure and set up OSB environment and went through the first chapter. I was able to create and test the basic service through OSB Console and SOAPUI.

The ease with which the book has been written is awesome!!

Thanks and Regards
Harsha Narayana


Great! Good to hear you like the book. I hope you like the other chapters as well! When you have any other questions just give a new comment and i will help you on it.


Thanks a lot for offering help Eric. Much appreciated.
Definitely, I will come up with questions. Thanks.

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