This project is not associated with an Oracle Service Bus Configuration

Google will give enough hits on the topic, too bad not one which fixed my issue.
Normally you would create an OSB project, create an OSB Configuration project, drag the OSB project on the Configuration project and your done.

In my case it would give the error “Path for project must have only one segment.”

Go to the file
[sourcecode language=”xml”]
\OSB Configuration\.settings\com.bea.alsb.core.prefs and edit the row ‘container.referenced.projects’.
At the end add the name of the project you’re try to link to your Configuration project.
Restart Eclipse and clean (Project > Clean) both the Configuration project and the OSB project.

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11 Responses to “This project is not associated with an Oracle Service Bus Configuration”


Man, you saved my weekend. I was ready to bang my head into the wall.


I’m glad i could help 🙂


Great tip man! Thanks a lot!


Notch up another thanks. I was missing the project ‘clean’ step!


Just to add one more thing here the referenced project should be seperated by pipe (|).


ashish kumar | May 4th, 2012 at 7:35 am

Thanks man…


After endless trying and searching I have finally found your hint. Great, thank you very much!


Works very well for projects which keep falling off a configuration as well. Thanx for the tip!

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