SOA+OSB in same JVM, continued

Thanks to Manoj for this overview on how to run the osb and soa suite in one jvm.
My machine was almost dying when i wanted to run both the osb server and the soa suite server.
For development this solution is great and it will save you some resources.

After creating the domain and starting up the admin server i faced the next stacktrace and the adminserver won’t start up.
[sourcecode language=”java”]

<> <> <> <1276500520469> \user_projects\domains\soa_osb_domain\config\config.xml

Find the named jms servers, and check the related filestore. They will have different targets. Fix them so they both target the soa_server1 and start the AdminServer again.

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2 Responses to “SOA+OSB in same JVM, continued”

Shaukat Desai | June 18th, 2010 at 11:51 am


I have set a Single Server Domain – running Admin, SOA and BPM. Does make a big difference on performance, especially switching between Jdev and Eclipse.


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