Scheduling Oracle SOA Suite Composite Applications (or whatever you want) in Weblogic

After reading a nice article about TimerManager functionality in Weblogic, i wanted to see how easy it would be to schedule my test composite application.

First deploy your composite and go to SOA > soa-infra > default > Test > WSDL.
Copy/paste the wsdl, this one we will use to generate the web proxy.
Back in JDeveloper create a new Application (or add it to an existing one), and create a new Web Project.

Select the jsp option, we will use this page later to trigger the scheduler.

Generating the Web Proxy

Right mouseclick on the Project > New > Business Tier > Web Services > Web Service Proxy

Fill in the url which we copy/pasted from the Test console of the composite application.

Fill in your package structure

We only have a synchronious service call

Here we have the option to apply any policies

This will generate all the code we need to invoke the composite application (wsdl).
The class with the name ending with ‘_ptClient’ contains all the code needed to do the invoke from java. This we will reuse later on.
For a little test, change the code so it calls the correct method of your composite application and check the console to see if it triggers a new instance.
Now we know for sure the proxy code itself is working, so we can go on with the code to schedule the invoke.


The code of the TimerManager i borrowed from this excellent blog.
Create both ‘TimerServlet’ servlet and the ‘TimerListener’ class, edit web.xml, and add link to the servlet to the index.jsp which we generated in one of the earlier steps.

Now copy/paste the example code of the ‘_ptClient’ class to the ‘TimerListener’ class, and select the method you want to call (in my case the ‘process’ method).

Deploy and Run

Add a new WAR File Deployment Profile to the project.
Right mouseclick on the Project > Deploy > MyTimerApp and either select to deploy right away to the Application Server or to a local WAR archive.

Go to the url of the index.jsp to trigger the scheduler, for example http://localhost:8001/MyBPELTimer-MyTimerClient-context-root/index.jsp

Console output
[sourcecode language=”java”]
inside timerExpired()
Starting schedule bpel, Fri May 21 12:25:03 CEST 2010
Finishing schedule bpel, response is : setOutput
exiting timerExpired()

inside timerExpired()
Starting schedule bpel, Fri May 21 12:25:13 CEST 2010
Finishing schedule bpel, response is : setOutput
exiting timerExpired()

inside timerExpired()
Starting schedule bpel, Fri May 21 12:25:23 CEST 2010
Finishing schedule bpel, response is : setOutput
exiting timerExpired()

Overview of the Composite instances which were created



JDeveloper Project – It includes the generated code/imports against my own composite application. Regenerate the code against your own wsdl, and revalidate the code.


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