RESTful Services with Oracle Service Bus

Restify existing services

Today i came across a nice article from jeff x davies on “RESTful Services with Oracle Service Bus“.
A nice example on how to map the different http methods to your flows in osb.
The testconsole is easy to use when doing the http calls and adding the query parameters (id=10).

But why mapping non-rest services to and rest interface

  1. You automatically get all of the monitoring, reporting, security and more provided by OSB for your RESTful services
  2. You keep the benefits of mediation. For example, of our company in this example purchased another company that provided different products, you could use the OSB to act as a façade over both product catalogs while providing a single, unchanged REST interface.
  3. You can REST-ify existing, non-service enabled assets like EJBs

Some other good links


Original blog

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3 Responses to “RESTful Services with Oracle Service Bus”

Jhon Jairo Gamboa | August 14th, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Hi Erik, Can i call a https Rest service seft-signed Http Binding and GET http method ? do you have any example?
The version supports this?


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